Ríe siempre que puedas

Ríe siempre que puedas

"Haz que tu sonrisa cambie el mundo...Pero no dejes que el mundo cambie tu sonrisa."

Soríe, rie...

Soríe, rie...
Sonríe al mundo
Cuando sonríes liberas una hormona que lleva a tu mente un mensaje positivo, no lo olvides.
(Hellen Fisher)

Anda erguido, sonríe y haz que se pregunten cuál es el secreto que te hace reír

"Nunca dejes de sonreir, ni siquiera cuando estés triste, porque nunca sabes quién se puede enamorar de tu sonrisa"

"Todos los botiquines de urgencia deberían incluir sentido del humor." (Anónimo)

La risa es el sol que ahuyenta el invierno del rostro humano (Víctor Hugo)

Gente con sentido del humor:-)

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domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

Seguro que no sabiáis nada de este pueblo de Austria con este nombre tan pintoresco

Are the residents called Fuckers?
What are the mothers called?
What would you be learning at the Fucking High School ?
Does the Fucking Hospital help you with anything else?
If your friend came from another town, he wouldn't be your Fucking friend.
Here is more information on the village of "FUCKING".
Fucking (pronounced "fooking") is a small village in Upper Austria (48' 03"N 13' 51"E), located 33 kilometers north of Salzburg, four kilometers east of the German border and half an hour by car from the town of Petting, in Bavaria.
The settlement Fucking has existed since at least 1070 and is named after a man from the 6th century called Focko. "ing" is an old Germanic suffix indicating the people of the root word to which it is attached; thus Fucking means "(place of) Focko's people." The village has a population of 104.

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